In the fall of 2021, you will have three new opportunities to apply for grants for your digital transformation and e-commerce efforts when SMV opens a new fund of 60 million DKK.
SMV:Digital has just announced the opening of a new grant fund of 60 million DKK and three new application deadlines in the fall of 2021.
The new fund is financed by a REACT-EU program aimed at mitigating the effects of COVID-19 and supporting a green and digital transformation.
The first application round opens on September 27 at 9:00 AM, allowing small and medium-sized enterprises to apply for grants of 100,000 DKK for consulting on digital transformation and e-commerce.
The next round opens on October 13, where companies can apply for investment and consulting support of up to 250,000 DKK.
The final round kicks off on November 5, offering grant vouchers of 50,000 DKK for private consulting to help your company with digital transformation or to strengthen your online sales.
You can read more about SMV and the new funds here.
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