Iternum Digital is Børsens Gazelle 2022

Iternum Digital has been awarded Børsen Gazelle 2022. But actually we have not just recieved one, but two of the fine statues this year.

December 8, 2022

By the end of November we were able to welcome two beautiful antilopes at the office.

The reason for this is, that Iternum Digital has been awarded to Børsen Gazelle 2022.

And actually we were supposed to also recieve a Gazelle award last year in 2021, but an error in Børsens system resulted in, that we could not be found on the list.

Thankfully Børsen corrected this error, which is the reason why two beautiful trophies came jumping into the office this year.

We are incredibly proud and happy to be award Børsen Gazelle for two consecutive years – a great honor, which ultimately accrues our many talented employees, who everyday provide a great piece of work to get our customers to excel in their digital marketing platforms.

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