When you use Brave as your browser, you know you’re dealing with a super-developer. And that’s definitely true for Jesper! Jesper is part of our web development team, where his technical skills deliver custom solutions for our clients that the rest of us can only dream of.
Jesper has an ability to quickly master new technologies, allowing him to tackle even the most complex technical challenges. He’s always ready to offer more than one solution, so our clients can make the best decision for their needs.
Jesper is a steady rock, bringing a calm presence and a straightforward approach to everything he does – perhaps it’s because he hails from the rock-island, Bornholm. Jesper has a dry, dark sense of humor, often paired with a good dose of sarcasm. Behind the cynical exterior, though, lies a heart of gold, and as a colleague, he’s always ready to help and share his sharp technical insight.
Are you interested in seeing how we can help your business grow digitally? Send us your information, and we’ll contact you for a non-committal conversation.
How can we be of assistance
A professional digital marketing agency that provides services in optimizing digital marketing channels.
Iternum ApS
Falkoner Alle 20
2000 Frederiksberg

CVR: 36 99 01 47