Thomas is our Creative Director. He’s a calm and perfectionist Art Director with an exceptional eye for even the smallest details. With his ability to capture the client’s essence in every design, he closely follows his creative projects from strategy to final product, ensuring a user experience that hits the mark every time.
Thomas speaks the language of both designers and developers, making him indispensable when websites and webshops need to be developed and perfected. His designs are built on a thoroughly tested method, and he doesn’t stop until everything is precisely as it should be – always with great respect for both client wishes and usability.
As a person, Thomas exudes a calm authority that creates a pleasant atmosphere in the office from the start of the day. When his son Silas calls with a “Daaad, can I just…,” we know that closing time is near. Thomas’s professional dedication and warm presence make him a colleague we all greatly appreciate.
Are you interested in seeing how we can help your business grow digitally? Send us your information, and we’ll contact you for a non-committal conversation.
How can we be of assistance
A professional digital marketing agency that provides services in optimizing digital marketing channels.
Iternum ApS
Falkoner Alle 20
2000 Frederiksberg

CVR: 36 99 01 47