The former digital advertising agency Propellos, which focuses on branding, visual identity and communication, will become part of Iternum Digital.
Iternum Digital is strengthening its position on the market and moving forward in the upcoming accounts for 2023. Also on the bottom line, unlike many of our competitors. Despite large investments in new offices and digital skills, we are progressing with +10% on the bottom line.
While many agencies have experienced major challenges in recent years, we have managed to expand our business and steer ourselves positively through some changeable years with continuous profitable growth. And now we’re taking the next exciting step on this growth journey by bringing the Propellos team on board.
Iternum Digital is not just a performance marketing agency anymore. In recent years, we have invested and focused hard on getting a handle on, among other things, the synergies that exist across the various digital marketing platforms, the collection of data and the development of content. Most digital platforms and their algorithms (e.g. Meta, Google) are starting to place more and more emphasis on the creative and the actual quality of the content in the ads.
At Iternum Digital, we are very focused on optimizing our customers’ business model, and it no longer helps to focus only on optimizing data. The creative content is now more than ever far more important for our customer’s success on the digital marketing platforms. That is why we are happy to have the Propellos team join the team at Iternum Digital.
The complexity for a digital agency has increased. Today, very few agencies manage to keep track of performance targets, data collection, technical implementations on, for example, a website, as well as the creative and communicative content. We have found a strong position with our data mindset, technical understanding and development of creative content. Our position in the market therefore means that we stand strongly between performance agencies and the more traditional advertising and communication agencies”, says Bjørn Herbst.
We are incredibly excited to welcome Propellos and their team to the Iternum Digital family. With the addition of Propellos’ skills to our existing portfolio, we can now offer our customers even more 360 ​​degree solutions. This expansion has already resulted in a demand among our international customer base, with several large customers now benefiting from the new business areas.
The merger in relation to Propellos becoming part of Iternum Digital is a strong signal of our ambitions and our commitment to deliver top quality to our customers. With our expanded skills, we are well equipped to meet the challenges and opportunities that await in the digital marketing world.
Jan Bøgely (former CEO of Propellos) has joined Iternum Digital in a newly created position as CCO and associate partner. Here he will be responsible for business development and will initially focus on strengthening work with digital and creative strategy as well as work with websites, marketing automation and CRM.
“For a long period of time we have been looking for a business partner who could take care of the performance marketing part for us. We have tried different constellations with mixed success, and we are therefore happy to become part of Iternum Digital“, says former CEO from Propellos, Jan Bøgely.
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A professional digital marketing agency that provides services in optimizing digital marketing channels.
Iternum ApS
Falkoner Alle 20
2000 Frederiksberg

CVR: 36 99 01 47